Types of diabetes
Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which insulin level is reduced in our body and blood sugar level rises in our body. But there are different types of diabetes and the symptoms of diabetes are different from each other and treatment is given on the basis of type of diabetes. Right choice of food matters a lot in diabetes. So types of diabetes have been given in this article.
Type 1 diabetes:
It is also known as autoimmune diseases because the causes of this diseases are still unknown. The immune system attacks and destroys pancreatic cells which causes abnormality in the levels of insulin and glucose. Almost 10% of persons suffer from type 1 diabetes. The symptoms of this diabetes are extreme hunger, increased thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, frequent urination and tiredness. It can also be considered as genetic disorder so the persons who have family history of diabetes are at high risk of developing type 1 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes:
This type of diabetes occur when our body becomes resistant to insulin and blood sugar level becomes high in our body. The symptoms of diabetes are increased thirst, increased hunger, increased urination, blurred vision, tiredness and delayed healing of wounds. This type of diabetes occur due to genetic disorder and life style factors. It can occur due to obesity, insulin resistance. This type of diabetes occur in the age of more than 45 years old.
Gestational diabetes:
This type of diabetes occur during pregnancy but it is not detected in early weeks of pregnancy. But it remains only during diabetes and later females become normal after the delivery of their babies. This type of diabetes is detected between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy. It occurs due to hormonal imbalance in pregnancy and placenta produces hormones which makes female’s body insulin resistant. It can also occur in the females who are overweight in pregnancy. It occurs over the age of 25 years. It can also occur if female is suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome. The females will have to eat complete balanced to reduce the level of glucose in their body. Right choice of food matters a lot in this type of diabetes.
Diabetes insipidus:
This is rare form of diabetes and it occurs when kidneys functions are impaired and kidneys remove too much fluid from our body.